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Tagged: Sustainability Transformation


Policy Conferences

During MIASA’s main phase, the institute organizes three policy conferences in collaboration with GIGA and other partners. These conferences foster exchange between scholars and practitioners and address policy-relevant topics, such as sustainable economic transformation...


Shea Parklands Face Various Threats – Can Archaeobotany Help Preserve Them? (by Alexa Höhn and Peter Lovett)

Traditional forms of land use in West Africa often include the integration of useful indigenous trees into the farmscapes. Economically and culturally, the shea tree is the most important among them. The collection of...

Tailings Storage Facility in Burkina Faso 0

What Does Mine Closure Mean? Some Insights from West Africa (Authors: Diana Ayeh and Tongnoma Zongo)

Owing to its mineral abundance, West Africa’s subsoil has increasingly attracted both large-scale investors and small-scale miners in recent decades. This situation has not only led to the mushrooming of new mining projects but...


Midterm-Conference on Sustainable Governance in a Time of Global Flux: Issues, Concepts and Future Directions

The Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA)’s Midterm Conference, held in September 2023 at the University of Ghana, was a critical dialogue on the theme: ‘Sustainable Governance in a Time of Global...


Policy Conferences: Sustainable Economic Transformation and Shared Prosperity in Africa

Which role are rural transformations playing for Africa’s economic transformation? What are the driving forces for Africa’s economic transformation? And how shared prosperity and sustainability can be achieved in practice? Africa’s economic development is...


A Tale of Three Cedis, Mobile Money, and Fintech? User Experiences in Ghana’s Evolving Moneyscape

A decade ago, I published “A Tale of Two Cedis”, a psychological perspective of user experiences of adjustment to a central bank-led disruption to payments in Ghana. In that and other papers, I explored...