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Category: Sustainable Governance

Tailings Storage Facility in Burkina Faso 0

What Does Mine Closure Mean? Some Insights from West Africa (Authors: Diana Ayeh and Tongnoma Zongo)

Owing to its mineral abundance, West Africa’s subsoil has increasingly attracted both large-scale investors and small-scale miners in recent decades. This situation has not only led to the mushrooming of new mining projects but...


Midterm-Conference on Sustainable Governance in a Time of Global Flux: Issues, Concepts and Future Directions

The Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA)’s Midterm Conference, held in September 2023 at the University of Ghana, was a critical dialogue on the theme: ‘Sustainable Governance in a Time of Global...


A Tale of Three Cedis, Mobile Money, and Fintech? User Experiences in Ghana’s Evolving Moneyscape

A decade ago, I published “A Tale of Two Cedis”, a psychological perspective of user experiences of adjustment to a central bank-led disruption to payments in Ghana. In that and other papers, I explored...


Sustainable Governance

The landmark decision within the UN system to pursue global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has put the concept of sustainability firmly on the agenda. The SDGs cover a wide range of thematic issues translated...


Conference: Prospects for Regional Integration in Africa – A Comparative Perspective (Stellenbosch)

MIASA’s first international thematic outreach conference was held at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) in South Africa from 13-15 September 2021. The Institute is a member of the Point Sud network, which...