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Category: Blogposts Fellows


Rapports marchands au Grand Marché de Bamako – Entre socialisation et économie?

Le marché se trouve au cœur de constructions théoriques économiques. Cependant, contrairement à la conception purement économique, la loi de l’offre et de la demande, le processus marchand est complexe et multiforme et « l’économie...


Shea Parklands Face Various Threats – Can Archaeobotany Help Preserve Them? (by Alexa Höhn and Peter Lovett)

Traditional forms of land use in West Africa often include the integration of useful indigenous trees into the farmscapes. Economically and culturally, the shea tree is the most important among them. The collection of...


African Worlds Have Been More-than-human Worlds avant la lettre: Relational Ontologies and the Decolonisation of Nature in Africa

Scholarship on the environmental history of Africa largely demonstrates that European colonial rule involved exercising power over nature. Moreover, as many scholars have suggested, power over nature was a key tool in colonial rule.1...


“Ancestors’ Land Does No Longer Exist?” Negotiations of Belonging and Ownership in the Context of Urban Land Governance in Dakar (Senegal)

Land governance has been for many years one of the most burning political, economic, social and cultural issues across the African continent. This blogpost shares some reflections on the concepts of belonging and ownership...

Tailings Storage Facility in Burkina Faso 0

What Does Mine Closure Mean? Some Insights from West Africa (Authors: Diana Ayeh and Tongnoma Zongo)

Owing to its mineral abundance, West Africa’s subsoil has increasingly attracted both large-scale investors and small-scale miners in recent decades. This situation has not only led to the mushrooming of new mining projects but...


The Migrant in a House of Mirrors: Some Reflections on the Reflexive Turn in Migration Studies

Recent years have brought a surge in calls for reflexivity in migration studies. These calls are, to a significant extent, a reaction to the increasing prominence of migration and, closely related, of migration research...


A Tale of Three Cedis, Mobile Money, and Fintech? User Experiences in Ghana’s Evolving Moneyscape

A decade ago, I published “A Tale of Two Cedis”, a psychological perspective of user experiences of adjustment to a central bank-led disruption to payments in Ghana. In that and other papers, I explored...